Become A Wrap God: How To Wrap Presents Perfectly

Ever found your hand covered in mangled sticky tape with scraps of haphazardly cut wrapping paper strewn across your carpet?
We’ve all been there, don’t worry.
But this year is going to be different. Simply set the mood by playing some classic Chrimbo songs. We suggest Slade, Wizzard and Elton John, to get yourself sufficiently prepared whilst you sit alongside your artificial Christmas tree. Then, grab your wrapping paper, cellotape and scissors. Let’s do this!
Step 1: Place the present in the middle of the paper
This is to determine how much wrapping paper you’ll need to cover the gift...No matter what size...or shape.
Step 2: Mark the cut lines with a ruler
If cutting in straight lines is nigh-on impossible - be diligent about this and use a ruler (or anything with a straight edge) to cut how much wrapping paper you’ll need to wrap your gift effectively. Put the rest of the roll aside.
Now it’s going to get tricky...
Step 3: Fold the paper around the gift
With your present placed nicely in the middle of the paper, take one side of the wrapping paper and fold it over the top half of your gift.
Then take the other side, folding it over the bottom. Put both sides on top of the other end and pull it tight and tape together neatly.
Step 4: Neaten it up
Starting with the left hand side of your package, fold both corners into a triangle and tape to secure. Fold the straight end over your gift and pull the paper over the top of your gift and tape.
Repeat on the other side. That’s all there is to it! Well done, you.
Do you have any tips for wrapping a present perfectly?
Leave a comment below or tweet us: @xmastreeworlduk
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